Improve Guest and Tenant
Comfort and Satisfaction
One of the most pressing challenges for facility managers of hotels or apartment buildings is keeping everyone comfortable. Increased satisfaction can mean increased occupancy rates, higher profits, and lower turnover.
Control Technologies can help ensure guest and tenant comfort while maximizing energy savings.
Comfort Does Not
Have To Come At A Cost
An energy optimized building means reduced costs, but achieving facility energy savings does not mean compromise.
Easily adjust environmental controls to create an environment that is optimized for your guest or tenant comfort, resulting in lower vacancy rates.
Higher occupancy rates and energy savings will contribute to making your business more profitable.
Realize the Benefits of
Occupancy Monitoring
When your hotel guests leave for the day, why heat or cool an empty room?Realize the energy savings with real-time occupancy monitoring for automated temperature adjustments.
Control Technologies provides occupancy monitoring for vacancy rate reporting for hotel managers to make informed business decisions.