Recommissioning and Retuning provide a cost-effective approach to improving the energy efficiency of existing facilities. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), “Operation and Maintenance programs targeting energy efficiency can save between 5% and 20% on energy bills.” This includes the periodic recommissioning of equipment.

Updating Yesterday's Buildings

For Today's Needs

As building equipment ages and occupant usage changes, your facility may become increasingly inefficient.

If you are having trouble maintaining building temperatures or are experiencing increased energy use, you may benefit from recommissioning & retuning services.

In addition, these services may also resolve problems that occurred during initial design or construction.

Control Technologies provides building recommissioning and retuning services which range from fully documented commissioning processes to combined training and recommissioning/retuning programs that improve building performance and train facilities’ staff at the same time.

We will assess the performance of your facility's Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems and analyze it to identify building recommissioning opportunities and strategies that can result in the reduction of HVAC system energy use by 5% to 20%.


More than energy savings

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Portland Energy Conservation Inc., and the Energy Systems Laboratory at Texas A&M University concluded in a study that in addition to cost-effective energy savings, RCx extends equipment life; increases thermal comfort, indoor air quality, productivity, and safety; and reduces ongoing labor costs.

Is your building in need of a tune-up?

Talk to a CTI team member to see if our Recommissioning and Retuning Services can benefit your facility.

Energy Metering & Dashboards

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